...on sweet daughter's coat. The corduroy material is actually a dark aubergine with pink polkadots. The pattern is Ottobre 4/2010 St Germain.
This project was a bit of a challenge for my nerves, not that it was per se difficult, but sometimes everything goes wrong that can go wrong... It started with the pattern that was not where the instructions claimed (that would have become a jumper). Then I cut out the facing for the collar without seam allowance - no idea, why, I guess I confused it with the fusable interfacing... Next in the line of desasters the embroidery. After the first colour was done, the whole thing was sucked into the machine and I really feared I would have to cut a hole into the piece... In the end I managed to disentangle it but then I had to make the machine restart at exactly the same position...
Since it worked out well and the embroidery unit was up anyway, I decided I could also put our name and 'minikin pin' in the lining. Great idea, if only I had taken measures against some of the material doubling during embroidering. So I had to unstitch several letters, which was no fun at all!
Great ideas usually come too late, like the idea of embellishing the slit pockets. Better before you sew it together, let me tell you!
The last desaster is actually the one that shows most: The buttonholes. Even though I took a piece of the material to make several test button holes, in the end they did not work out so well on the original...
All the rest looks quite nice and my daughter loves it :)